00:00:01.241 --> 00:00:03.867
Oh my god, I just totally got catfished.
00:00:03.867 --> 00:00:05.913
He looks absolutely nothing like his picture.
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So I found out, the guy that I've been dating is married with kids.
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His wife just reached out to me.
00:00:15.420 --> 00:00:16.623
Welcome to the Meat Market.
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The single scene is a slaughterhouse and we are here to devour it.
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We are your hosts.
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I'm Lindsay and I'm Jess, jess, and today's sizzling single is Jenna.
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Welcome, jenna.
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Thanks so much for having me.
00:00:29.745 --> 00:00:33.232
So you tell us that you are the queen of the crazies.
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We want to hear your stories about these pathological liars and these narcissists that you were telling us about.
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Yes, I don't know what kind of energy I'm putting out, but apparently it's that and no exes dating.
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I just feel like I don't know.
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I don't know why or who I'm finding but they are all the wrong people.
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Are you not learning your lesson?
00:00:58.024 --> 00:01:00.935
Does the universe keep sending you the same type of person because you're not listening and learning?
00:01:00.975 --> 00:01:01.457
your lesson.
00:01:01.457 --> 00:01:02.662
That is exactly it.
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That is literally.
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It is the universe, just like over and over and over again.
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And I feel like finally, I'm 45 years old and I have finally learned my lesson with these things, and I don't know.
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But yes, I have crazy, like crazy ex stories, crazy dating stories.
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So what's one of your craziest stories that stands out?
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I think well, okayest one.
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Most recently was a date.
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This guy seemed seemingly normal and I went out on a date and I found out he is a polyamorous Dungeons and Dragons player.
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Wow, what does that even mean?
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don't know, I had to.
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I had to Google it, cause I'm like what is polyamorous?
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Like I again, I'm not like a prude, but I don't know these.
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You know, I know what a swinger is, but I'm not like a prude, but I don't know these.
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You know, I know what a swinger is, but I'm like polyamorous, what is that?
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And so, yeah, so he has a girlfriend, and then the entire date and I'm like, okay, first of all, time out, like you know, sir Lancelot, this is not going to work, but it was like okay, but I'm curious, like I'm just curious, about how this works in your life.
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So he has a girlfriend and he apparently loves like renaissance fairs and totally playing like making like weapons and things like that and doing it's almost like LARPing.
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Lindsay, did we not just talk about this the other day?
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Live action role play.
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Is he a LARPer?
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I don't know, or what's the one where, like people, like the cosplay one that's LARPing yeah, the live action role play.
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They like dress up in their Renaissance gear and they go to a park and they have their wooden swords and they sword fight with each other.
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It's like the Civil War reenactment.
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Yeah, yeah, it's something like that, yeah.
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And so I'm like, again, I'm like but no, this is not.
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Are you sure he had a real life girlfriend and not just a Dungeons?
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and Dragons like a character in his video game girlfriend, like a virtual, I don't know.
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I didn't ask to see pictures, but I was very curious because I'm like who is this lady Right?
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So they were wanting you to join in on this.
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I see, and I think that's the difference, it's not like a swingers thing, I don't think, like it's not like a menage kind of situation, it was more like Like join our couple Kind of, do whatever, yeah and I yeah.
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I don't.
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I never really got into.
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I kind of put the kibosh on it immediately because I was like I'm not If I ask too many questions, think that I want to be a part of this queen or princess, like where do I like follow this situation?
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so yeah, I was just not not having that that's funny.
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I wonder if his girlfriend knows that he's going out on dates or if he's.
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I wonder if he's in a polyamorous relationship but she's in a monogamous relationship.
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He said that she knows okay and I think again like the polyamorous thing.
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I think that's like part of it, but I yeah, I don't know.
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That one is really weird.
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That was like the strangest one, where I mean just pure curiosity sake on that one, um, probably like, where were, where were you before you go to the next one, where were you on this date?
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Like, could, did you eat?
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Were you easily able to get out of the date or were you stuck a?
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while, no, no, it was like a happy hour thing.
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Okay, because I don't want to get you know I'm like a coffee happy hour person.
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I don't want to do full dinners and things like that.
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So he didn't indulge this over text message or when you're communicating online before you met him.
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That's what was so strange about it.
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But he immediately like led into it, got you.
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It was like okay, now that I've lured you here like the old bait and switch, you know, now I'm going to tell you.
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He's thinking I'm so cute, I'm going to be able to talk her into this.
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Well, and I think probably.
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It probably is like trial and error right, because if he's told women over text before and they always then don't agree to a date, they're like no, no, no, I don't think we're right for each other.
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He probably doesn't get a lot of actual dates if he tells women that beforehand.
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So he thinks I'll just wait until I get them in person and I'll tell them in person because right possession is 99% of the law.
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I'll share his exciting news with them His exciting news Congratulations, surprise, surprise, you've won the golden ticket.
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I was like, oh my god, no, no, I haven't.
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That's hilarious, funny.
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I think that, like the the worst one as of late, I went on like a golf date with somebody.
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I'm a big golfer.
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I'm not like an amazing, I'm not like Tiger Woods or Nelly Cord, I'm not a fantastic golfer, but I love golf and so I go on a golf date, thinking, worst case scenario, I get 18 holes out of this.
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You know, it's great, this guy, he was a pilot.
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I was telling you about this one, so he was a pilot.
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And I'm thinking they're the worst.
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Those pilots Stay away, Ron.
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I know, and you know, and it was like I was told for, like a major airline, but now looking back I'm like it was probably some regional airline you know the Spirit Air, no, just kidding.
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Let me guess, frontier, okay.
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And so, okay, he has a career.
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Okay, thinking normally he's a golfer.
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So I'm going on the state.
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He opens up with my RV, just burnt down, okay, and I'm like thinking, is it in your driveway?
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Like, did your house catch on fire?
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Like no, this is where I was, like, living, this is my home.
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It's an RV, and I'm like why is this guy living in an RV?
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And then he starts showing me photos of his dog, his dog that died in the fire.
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And I'm like what?
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Okay, we're like two minutes into this date at this point, and I'm like what?
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Okay, we're like two minutes into this date at this point, and I'm like what is happening here?
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And I, again, I'm like such an empathetic person.
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I'm like do you want my dog?
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Like I mean, I don't know what to offer you right now.
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You want to come over and walk my dog a couple times a week, and so that was just very odd to me.
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And then he's like well, now I'm living in this like basically house for like a crash pad a kind of.
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So that's very common for pilots.
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They just rent a room wherever they're based and they share a house with six, seven other pilots because they're always traveling.
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So it's pretty common, okay.
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So that's like a legit thing, like I was, like he.
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I in my mind I'm thinking it's some like halfway house for airline professionals.
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I'm like I don't know, maybe it's like a rehab center.
00:07:02.384 --> 00:07:14.430
I'm like I don't know what's happening at this point, yeah, and you know, in his defense I spoke to my husband about the RV and he's like that's pretty common if there's a pilot that isn't married with kids for him just to live in like an RV on some land because they're never home really.
00:07:14.430 --> 00:07:20.184
They travel all the time, especially if they love to travel on their time off, a lot of them.
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But if that's your life, like if you're living in a trailer, and so if your trailer and your dog is your life, right, Don't you think you should have your life together before you try?
00:07:31.052 --> 00:07:34.634
to date, but why wouldn't his life be together if he's living in a trailer?
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It burned down and his dog died.
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Like his life is not together.
00:07:38.757 --> 00:07:49.673
Yes, that was exactly my point to him Are you sure you should be dating right now, when you're living in a house with 10 other people.
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It's true, and I'm like you know.
00:07:50.336 --> 00:07:51.019
Is this really the good?
00:07:51.160 --> 00:07:54.214
point, because what is he going to bring you home, to this house full of 10 pilots?
00:07:54.255 --> 00:08:01.321
get your insurance money get a new, get a new trailer, yeah, find a great spot somewhere, yeah, and get a new dog, you know.
00:08:01.321 --> 00:08:02.583
Then maybe start dating exactly.
00:08:02.583 --> 00:08:03.444
Yeah, don't get me wrong.
00:08:03.785 --> 00:08:06.149
You can totally live in an rv and have your life together.
00:08:06.149 --> 00:08:08.533
If that's your life, that is your life, have it together.
00:08:08.593 --> 00:08:19.401
But this guy doesn't sound like he had his life together no apparently not I mean, and again it's like you know it's a 50 year old person, so I'm thinking you know you've got to have your life together at this point.
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So as the date goes on, then it's's like okay, so now we're golfing and everything okay.
00:08:27.833 --> 00:08:52.835
I have a very dirty sense of humor, like I have a pretty filthy mouth and a dirty sense of humor, but I can't show it on dates because men lose their goddamn minds and then it turns into a weird direction and all of a sudden they think and anything goes like with this conversation, and I said some I don't even know what I said, but everything after that this guy, any mention of a golf ball, turned into balls, dirty balls.
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Do you want to touch my balls do you want to clean my balls and it was like sounds like my health and I can appreciate, like I have that sense of humor.
00:09:02.748 --> 00:09:06.193
But I'm like good Lord, man, like come up with something else.
00:09:06.193 --> 00:09:10.051
And so it was just balls and balls, and balls and balls the entire time.
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And then at one point it was like he grabbed.
00:09:14.048 --> 00:09:19.149
Like as we're in the golf cart, he grabs my head and like goes and shoves it down.
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Oh no, like to his crotch.
00:09:21.105 --> 00:09:21.720
Oh, hell no.
00:09:21.720 --> 00:09:23.501
And it was like what about these balls?
00:09:23.501 --> 00:09:27.485
No, golly Wow.
00:09:27.505 --> 00:09:28.267
Was he drunk.
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I mean he had like a couple beers.
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But I mean I'm like, oh my God, like what have I gotten myself into, you know?
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Now it's like, okay, and then what do I say?
00:09:37.634 --> 00:09:51.567
Because I am not a confrontational person, so I am so uncomfortable at this point and it's like I mean we're on hole like seven, like we've still got a while to go here, and it's like, do I call and have them bring another card out, you know, do I have them take me back?
00:09:51.567 --> 00:09:52.846
I like how do I end this?
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And I still, I like I I'm like a trooper and I like kept golfing and it was just like yeah, yeah, yeah, finished out the back nine, back nine.
00:10:06.441 --> 00:10:07.325
I would have been like you know what listen?
00:10:07.325 --> 00:10:08.350
Um, yeah, that was, those were great nine holes.
00:10:08.370 --> 00:10:09.556
I don't think I'm gonna be able to finish this round.
00:10:09.556 --> 00:10:10.320
That's why you need your skate number.
00:10:11.784 --> 00:10:20.941
Yeah, I should have yeah, I should have feigned some like digestional like issue or something after nine holes and yeah, I should have called it quits but again, I was like I and I paid for my own round.
00:10:20.941 --> 00:10:23.826
So I mean, it's, like you know, know, a couple hundred dollars.
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I'm like I'll be damned if this guy and his ball comments are going to like cut me out of 18 holes here, but were you winning?
00:10:31.184 --> 00:10:32.671
So that was the other thing.
00:10:32.671 --> 00:10:37.804
I usually like I don't love keeping score because I get competitive with myself when I'm just like having a good time.
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A lot of times I don't keep score.
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And he was adamant about keeping my score.
00:10:41.893 --> 00:10:46.501
I'm like you, I don't want to, but go ahead like have at it like if you want to.
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And it was like and he and I could tell like he was getting annoyed on some of the holes that I was like beating him and so I don't know, maybe he had to like flex and then like shove my head in his crotch try to assert his dominance a little bit, because you were a better golfer than him.
00:10:59.380 --> 00:10:59.822
I don't know.
00:10:59.822 --> 00:11:05.539
It was that that one like truly as a whole was like the worst one.
00:11:05.559 --> 00:11:08.402
Did he let you tee off from the women's box, or did he did he?
00:11:08.402 --> 00:11:11.330
Did he insist that you both tee off from the same tee box?
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You know what we did?
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We started like from the whites, we did, and then I like moved.
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I kind of like go back and forth sometimes, depending on like how I'm playing, Uh-huh.
00:11:19.672 --> 00:11:47.523
But yeah, probably that probably pissed him off even more too, if you were if you were a teen hop from the same yeah it was just yeah, I mean, and I think I, I don't know I feel like over the years, like the I I'm like a tomboy at heart anyways, and I'm like competitive not with other people, like with myself, and like the feminine energy like over the years and of being like a single person is just like draining quick you know where like my like.
00:11:47.562 --> 00:11:58.860
I feel like my masculinity like that's like up there right now and I want to get it down, but I just need to find someone that like can allow me to do that so you said you have a lot of.
00:11:59.380 --> 00:12:02.427
You've had a lot of crazy golf trips or crazy travel stories.
00:12:02.427 --> 00:12:03.549
Do Do you like to travel?
00:12:04.071 --> 00:12:04.451
I do.
00:12:04.451 --> 00:12:09.070
I love to travel and I found that I just go by myself.
00:12:09.070 --> 00:12:12.383
Now, like none of my friends golf, like none of my girlfriends golf.
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We like play tennis together and I've even been like come on, people, there's like amazing spas, you can do a spa day, I'll go golf, and no one ever takes me up on it.
00:12:19.485 --> 00:12:32.225
So I just plan these trips, like during the summer, my um, my son is with his dad and I just like we'll do these like four day, like long weekend trips, and I just pick golf courses or concerts or things that I want to go to and I go by myself.
00:12:32.888 --> 00:12:35.019
So do you get hit on a lot at the golf course?
00:12:35.019 --> 00:12:40.828
Cause you're a beautiful woman and I know that golf is typically a male dominated sport, so I bet you get hit on all the time.
00:12:40.869 --> 00:12:46.437
No, I mean, and this is I was telling my friends this the other day I'm like, how hard is it for me to find a guy like I golf?
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I'm going out there all the time and golfing and like yes and no.
00:12:51.450 --> 00:12:56.628
I feel like I'm always paired up with like old men and then they're like, oh, my son lives out of state, you know.
00:12:56.628 --> 00:13:08.893
I'm like, well, okay, um, but even some of the courses around here, it's like the starters, like the people who work there, know me and they're like I'm keeping my eye out for you you know, yeah, you got a race plan matchmaker.
00:13:08.913 --> 00:13:14.011
Yeah, I know I'm like this is so sad that like these random people are doing that, but I don't know.
00:13:14.011 --> 00:13:14.594
And then I get.
00:13:14.594 --> 00:13:29.841
I'll get asked out a lot by, like, younger guys when I'm golfing, which is I'm in this weird age, I feel like, where these younger people ask me out, but I'm like I'm not you're not into that, because I know we were talking about how that's becoming a trend younger guys dating older women.
00:13:30.081 --> 00:13:31.245
Have you you've never tried that?
00:13:31.245 --> 00:13:31.869
Dabbled in that?
00:13:31.869 --> 00:13:32.892
I've done?
00:13:32.932 --> 00:13:51.582
like a couple, like golf dates with people and like I was golfing this one time with these two, like 20 somethings like their age together combined I don't think even matched my age like they were that young and like and I don't typically like I'm not a huge drinker, but we were like doing shots and like and it was just like we were having a good time.
00:13:51.582 --> 00:14:04.789
And then afterwards they're like come on, like let's go to the bar, and I just remember like I'm pretty lit at this point and I don't usually get like that it's like it was a cringe moment on my behalf like thinking, you know like're like, oh God.
00:14:04.811 --> 00:14:07.115
I can't believe I did that or said that.
00:14:07.720 --> 00:14:09.466
And it was like a Mrs Robinson moment.
00:14:09.466 --> 00:14:16.851
I was sitting, we're at this high top and I remember taking my foot and caressing this guy's leg next to me.
00:14:16.851 --> 00:14:21.125
To this day, this is like years later.
00:14:21.125 --> 00:14:23.392
My stomach hurts thinking about it.
00:14:23.392 --> 00:14:24.890
I'm like what was I doing?
00:14:25.179 --> 00:14:26.285
And they probably went home.
00:14:26.285 --> 00:14:26.961
Well, did anything?
00:14:26.961 --> 00:14:29.850
Did anything happen with either one of them, Did you?
00:14:29.929 --> 00:14:30.211
end up.
00:14:30.211 --> 00:14:31.745
I was texting my friend.
00:14:31.745 --> 00:14:32.864
I was like, went to the bathroom.
00:14:32.864 --> 00:14:33.687
I'm like I don't know what to do.
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Like these guys are like 25 years old, I'm like I don't know if is happening.
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Because that's probably what they were thinking.
00:14:43.173 --> 00:14:50.149
They were probably like you were in the bathroom and they were probably like dude, dude, we're totally going to take this lady home.
00:14:50.149 --> 00:14:51.051
This is a moment.
00:14:51.071 --> 00:14:54.287
Yeah, they like they were lassoing a cougar at this point.
00:14:54.346 --> 00:14:55.110
Oh my God, that's hilarious.
00:14:55.110 --> 00:14:55.750
I mean, I don't know.
00:14:55.940 --> 00:14:57.326
And so no, so nothing happened.
00:14:57.326 --> 00:15:00.628
I like got my wits about me and then I wake up.
00:15:00.628 --> 00:15:02.028
What are you doing right now?
00:15:02.048 --> 00:15:03.230
Well, because how old is your son?
00:15:03.230 --> 00:15:04.191
He's 10.
00:15:04.530 --> 00:15:05.071
Oh he's 10.
00:15:05.191 --> 00:15:22.470
Okay, so he's not so he's not old enough for you to be like oh my God, I would date someone that's my son's age but closer to he's getting old enough to where you would be dating men that were closer to his age than your age If they're in their early twenties.
00:15:22.671 --> 00:15:23.932
I don't want anything to do with that.
00:15:23.932 --> 00:15:50.227
There was another guy who was like in his 30s and I just kept looking at his socks and they had this horrible like ring stain of like kind of you know like on a collared, like white shirt, that ring around the collar thing, but it was like on his socks and I just kept thinking'm like yeah, but your socks, why are your socks so dirty, I mean.
00:15:50.227 --> 00:15:54.787
And then I'm like just stop, I can't, I can't, this isn't working so you had said I had a cringe moment.
00:15:54.826 --> 00:15:56.821
Have you ever had a cringe moment like I remember?
00:15:56.821 --> 00:16:01.211
One time, when I was super young and I was super drunk, there was this guy that I liked.
00:16:01.211 --> 00:16:03.965
We were sitting together and I started like licking his finger.
00:16:03.965 --> 00:16:05.047
I don't know why.
00:16:05.047 --> 00:16:11.245
I'm like thinking maybe that's what he likes and he was just staring at me like, yeah, no, why are you doing that?
00:16:11.245 --> 00:16:13.990
And it's not something I enjoy.
00:16:13.990 --> 00:16:15.673
I don't know why I even did it.
00:16:16.220 --> 00:16:17.567
What kind of eye was he putting?
00:16:17.567 --> 00:16:19.176
Was he putting off a finger sucking?
00:16:19.176 --> 00:16:20.644
I don't know, I don't know.
00:16:20.784 --> 00:16:22.289
He's like a finger in the face.
00:16:25.799 --> 00:16:26.384
But that's my cringe moment.
00:16:26.384 --> 00:16:27.393
I have to think like what the fuck was I thinking?
00:16:27.393 --> 00:16:31.490
I had that same moment in Vegas, though I sucked a guy's wedding ring off of his finger you did.
00:16:33.706 --> 00:16:35.691
My ex had a friend that would do that.
00:16:35.691 --> 00:16:59.214
His name was Carl and every time he would come out with us like we were always like fucking Carl, because he would take his hand and he would hold his hand up in front of his face and he would look at us dead in the eye and he would put his ring finger in his mouth, suck his wedding ring off and then spit it, spit it out across the room and we'd be like dude, what are you doing?
00:16:59.214 --> 00:17:01.360
Yes, like who is that for?
00:17:01.360 --> 00:17:05.612
For all the single ladies that might want to beg a married man that day.
00:17:06.320 --> 00:17:07.005
Like it was.
00:17:07.005 --> 00:17:10.366
So he's letting everyone know for tonight, I'm not.
00:17:10.507 --> 00:17:14.386
Yes, yes, yes, look out for Carl in Vegas.
00:17:14.386 --> 00:17:16.767
I shouldn't find Carl in Vegas.
00:17:17.200 --> 00:17:19.747
So you sucked a wedding ring off of a man?