00:00:01.241 --> 00:00:03.867
Oh my god, I just totally got catfished.
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He looks absolutely nothing like his picture.
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So I found out, the guy that I've been dating is married with kids.
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His wife just reached out to me.
00:00:15.480 --> 00:00:16.864
Welcome to the Meat Market.
00:00:16.864 --> 00:00:20.413
The single scene is a slaughterhouse and we are here to devour it.
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We are your hosts.
00:00:21.463 --> 00:00:27.611
I'm Lindsay and I'm Jess, and today's sizzling single is the marvelous, magnificent Melissa.
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00:00:29.042 --> 00:00:32.146
Thanks for being here, Hello, hello so we're going to jump right in.
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So you had made the comment that you have the ability and the intellect to connect and date any guy, whether they're 20 or 60, and you've dated all ages in between.
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So tell us, asking for a friend, are the younger guys really better in bed?
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Are they saucier in the sack?
00:00:47.082 --> 00:00:49.048
No, no.
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No, definitely not.
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You know, I feel like being dating like back in the dating scene at 41,.
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This is the age of the golden girls, you know.
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We have so much like judgment on what women in their 40s are, who they are, what they want, you know who they date.
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I happen to think that we're in the like premier dating, you know age bracket because we really can connect to younger men in their 30s who are really, you know, maybe older souls but building businesses and doing cool things and they can connect with older women.
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And then you can really connect with older men who have maybe already built their businesses, already done their thing, you know, and are now kind of back on the scene.
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So you connect with them differently for sure.
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Well, it's becoming a trend now, older women with younger guys.
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I mean, look at all these movies.
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Baby, girl, family, affair, bless, nicole Kidman, she's lucky I I mean look at her and her scenes with Zac.
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Efron and then in Baby Girl, that hot English actor I haven't watched that, yet I need to.
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But then it's also like it's also like you're dating a younger guy and it's like listen, you don't act right like I'm gonna go date your dad.
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Like like chill, because, because I could date you, but I could also date your dad.
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Like that's the, that's the nice thing about our age, being single at our age, because it's like you really can go younger or older.
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There are so many tiktoks of men that are like how come all the 40 year old now, all the 40 year old girls now, are looking like they're 20 and all the 20 year olds are looking like they're 40?
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Um, because they're taking care of themselves and they're prioritizing themselves and they're loving themselves and, like all the year olds, I think it's so unfortunate because they're pumping their face at such a young age of Botox and fillers when they don't need it.
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So they're 20 and they look like they're 50, trying to look 20.
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Whereas the 40 year olds, I feel now we take care of ourselves.
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So we are 40, looking like we're 20.
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Yeah, we still got it.
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You know, and that's kind of it actually, I've noticed kind of a range.
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Right after my divorce I felt like every man I met was 26.
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I'm like what is happening right now?
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So every date I was on for the first, probably six or seven months after my divorce, they were all younger guys and part of me wonders if there was a Stella got your groove back moment in that.
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And it was also just fun and lighthearted and you just energetic and like a post-divorce yeah, that was like pulling in this energy, this like young energy.
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Let's have fun swinging from the chandeliers and just goofing off when we get to our age, we don't give a fuck like.
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We are so much more confident and self-assured.
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I mean, I think that, and that's appealing to men, that's what guys want, especially, you know, in the bedroom.
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Younger women are so insecure what they look like naked.
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Turn the lights off, all right, I don't give a fuck.
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You know, what I learned, though really fast, was sometimes, with younger men, especially if they get attached, you really do have a responsibility as an older woman to acknowledge their innocent feelings.
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Or their mommy issues.
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Yes, honestly, he's been a good boy.
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It's like feelings or their mommy issues.
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Yes, honestly, he's been a good boy.
00:03:48.507 --> 00:03:49.389
Okay, wait a minute.
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I'm actually not in for this.
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I'm not in.
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I'm not in to help you manage your emotions.
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Have you ever had a younger guy get attached to you like that?
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Yes, and they get obsessive, like drive by the house, leave notes on the car.
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It's like it's a flashback to those feelings of when you were in college and you really had your first love and your first like attached relationship.
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And then you then you feel for me.
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I felt so bad because then I realized I had to kind of nurse him back to sanity, you know, and then became his therapist.
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So then you know, not really, but yeah.
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I only dated one younger guy, and I will say that he was very needy, very eager, willing to please, like I could treat him, however, and he would still want to be with me, yeah, you know.
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What's funny, though, is when I was like kind of researching this subject, it was like frequently asked questions how do I make an older woman fall in love with me?
00:04:41.468 --> 00:04:41.800
Oh, my.
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And all the answers are like.
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Respect her independence.
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But I guess a lot of younger guys want older women now.
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That's true.
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But you know and I find this my whole life and you probably do too, it's the a lot of times the thing that they're most gravitated to, the thing that they love the most about you, is also the single thing that they try to tame once they're with you.
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You know they love that free spirit.
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Once they're with you, they love that free spirit.
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They love your success.
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They love your work ethic when it's casual, right.
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But now all of a sudden they're having to work around your schedule or they're having to accommodate for your career and those types of things.
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Now they're getting their feelings hurt, and so there definitely can be a balance with that.
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I find with older men they have way more understanding and they can support me in a different way as I'm building a business, just because a lot of times they're on the other side of that.
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So they understand that hustle.
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So when I was in my early 20s probably like 22, I was a member of a high profile dating agency.
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One of my friends was a matchmaker there and so she convinced me to join, and they would never tell you anything about the guys that you were going on a date with nothing.
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So I most of the guys I'd say were probably old enough to be my grandfather and they were very wealthy.
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Because word on the street was you had to pay $30,000 a quarter to be in this um club, this club, yeah, and I remember the first date.
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I go on, he was probably 65 and I was 22.
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He he was from the South and he was like I love English food, sometimes I love bangers and mash, sometimes I love to banger, sometimes.
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I love to masher.
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And then the only other date that comes to mind was I went on a date with this other gentleman who he invited me to the Melina ball.
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Do you know the Melina ball?
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They put it up for charity, it's run by Melina Jewelers.
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And first of all, he was like you know, you can't wear a $100 cachet dress.
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You have to wear a dress from Nordstrom.
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First of all, I love cachet, so screw that Insulting my mentality I was thinking at the time, at 22, oh, I wasn't even going to spend $100.
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Forever 21 and buy a $20 dress.
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But so he sets all these Nordstrom designer dresses at Nordstrom for me to try on and they were all just hideous, not my cup of tea.
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So I find one on the sale rack that was like a quarter of the price, wear it to the ball and get so many compliments on it, which proves you don't really have to spend a lot of money to look good.
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But meet him and he's probably in his eighties, like probably one of the older guys that I've ever gone on a date with, and he's talking about how he wants to go on a second date and pursue me and his best friend who was there, who was also 80, I went to the loo and she says to him why do you want to date this girl?
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She wants kids, she wants to get married.
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And he's like I can get married, I can have kids.
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But then I became good friends with her and she said to me the best advice I can give you, being single in Scottsdale, is marry twice.
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The first time you marry, marry solely for money, leave that marriage.
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Second time you marry, marry for love.
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That was her, her words of advice, which leads me to the next topic.
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You were saying that you have the financial freedom to date, a starving artist or a billionaire, and you have dated.
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Talk about the differences between between the two yeah, I mean honestly I.
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I also think that this is a like a perk of dating in your 40s right, where you're not necessarily dating someone for the access or the opportunity and you're not dating somebody for stability.
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You're really dating somebody for connection.
00:08:01.209 --> 00:08:05.869
So I have really connected with men across the board.
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Really, you know, I've dated an artist who was incredible, incredibly, you know, passionate and talented, but an artist.
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What kind of art?
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What kind of art?
00:08:18.528 --> 00:08:20.673
Oh, painting, Like he was okay yeah.
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He was a painter Incredible.
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Did he ever paint you?
00:08:22.204 --> 00:08:22.725
Ever paint you?
00:08:23.466 --> 00:08:25.411
No, Titanic style naked, just right next to us.
00:08:25.411 --> 00:08:26.233
I want to be painted?
00:08:26.314 --> 00:08:30.086
I've never painted, you did an artist, yeah, and I'm like that would be so cute.
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Now I feel a little bit cheated, right.
00:08:33.168 --> 00:08:39.609
Right, you should have been his like muse, like he should, you know, like I.
00:08:39.609 --> 00:08:41.211
That's true, yeah, that's true.
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But I think that everything in an artist's world is art, and that is the part that I love.
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It's like every restaurant is so, you know, intentional, and every conversation there's so much depth and like philosophical substance to an artist because there's a reason they're a creator, you know, and that creative mind is just really inspiring for me.
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So there's definitely different ways to date, you know, maybe we go out to dinner and I kind of yield to whatever they order to make sure I'm not going crazy and putting them in a situation that makes them uncomfortable.
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But also Like overstepping your masculine energy, sort of.
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Since you're higher, maybe financially are doing better.
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In that way, you want them to feel like you need them too.
00:09:23.267 --> 00:09:24.028
Yeah Right.
00:09:24.068 --> 00:09:32.730
And I love it when the men pick the date anyway, you know, and pick the restaurant and curate the experience because there's something you know, just caring about that.
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I love that intentionality and you know, and that thought process that goes into it.
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And so if they choose a hole in the wall you know pizza place which actually one of the best dates I've ever been on was a hole-in-the-wall pizza place in LA like to me that that doesn't matter.
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I can have a eight-course meal at the finest restaurant you know in the bay area or whatever, and I'm still gonna either have a great date or a horrible date based on your capacity to have a.
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It's true, it's all about the company.
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They came out with an article that was like places not to go on a first date, and it was like chilies.
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And apple margaritas, by the way, I think.
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I think like Olive Garden, but I had issues with those.
00:10:09.399 --> 00:10:12.967
Like I don't really care where I'm at, as long as you have good company, right.
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I mean for me, when the whole thing came out about the Applebee's and I'm like let's go to Applebee's actually Two for 20, like slaps, sometimes like some chicken chicken fingers and like a burger.
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Take me to like a taco truck at two in the morning.
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Like you have my heart.
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To me again it's.
00:10:30.508 --> 00:10:37.932
I think men overthink this sometimes and I think sometimes, even as women, we overcomplicate it with our you know, expectations.
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If we just say, you know, this is what I love and you know this is what I love about you, I want to spend time with you.
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I want to spend time with you, I want to connect with you, then maybe we're not picking some place that has super loud music or you know you want to go out and dance, then that's what you're picking, or I.
00:10:52.019 --> 00:10:53.751
You can curate so many different types of experiences.
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But honestly, I want to go out and feel something.
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Yeah, you know, and that doesn't necessarily have to mean jumping on a jet and going out to the Caribbean, which that that can happen too, right.
00:11:03.770 --> 00:11:13.027
But also finding and taking me to this really cool place that I've never heard of somewhere in the city that you just wanted to share with me, is genuinely equally as special.
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Yeah, Would you say that men with money are typically a little bit more controlling?
00:11:19.392 --> 00:11:19.793
For sure.
00:11:19.832 --> 00:11:30.666
So for me, like I've gone on a couple of dates with, like the Melina guy, he was like if we're going to start dating, you're going to have to quit your job because I want you to be available for breakfast, lunch, happy hour, whenever I need you.
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And then that Rob Mion guy from Millionaire.
00:11:33.740 --> 00:11:34.400
00:11:34.400 --> 00:11:40.909
So he flew out and called me spontaneously and was like hey, I'm in town to see you, come meet me for lunch.
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And I was like, oh, at work.
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He's like, yeah, this work thing's not going to work out.
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If you're, if we're going to be together, you have to quit your job.
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So I've had that same.
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I've had that same statement, even where it's like wait a minute, I did not just burn my whole life down and start a whole new business, just for me to throw it out the window to make myself more available to you.
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That's not only disempowering but that's dangerous to my safety.
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You know in my livelihood, yeah, and also, like I like my job and you live.
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From what I know about you, yeah, you love your job too.
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So it's like if you love what you do like, then it's a choice between like, okay, so then I either get to do what I do, which I love, or be with you, right, and I don't know if I'm going to love you.
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Yet you know that gives me anxiety, thinking of being reliant upon a man for everything, you know, like I would.
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I feel I would feel bad.
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So every time I would spend money, I'd feel like I'd have to ask him, you know, and I would never want to be in that position.
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I like, if I want something, I like to know I can buy it and don't have to ask anyone's permission.
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And I've been in that position.
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You know I was married for 13 years and he did control all of my finances and I allowed him to.
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In fact, when we got married, it was almost like, oh my gosh, I got to take a big old nap from having to deal with those realities.
00:12:57.451 --> 00:13:03.067
Right, I was a single mom when I met him and in a lot of ways, it gave me the break that I needed.
00:13:03.067 --> 00:13:08.916
But I can see where so much of my 30s wasn't spent learning how to be autonomous.
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So much of my 30s was spent learning how to take care of others and not take care of myself and not find my own, you know, voice and independence and stability, and so a big part of my coming into this new chapter was you know, I've got to figure this out on my own.
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I walked away without a safety net and those situations that I put myself in.
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You know I've learned so many important lessons with that.
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It's that.
00:13:33.500 --> 00:13:42.267
You know, as women, we desire to nurture and care for others, but oftentimes at our own expense, and that's just not something that I'm willing to do anymore.
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And some men really understand that when they know that you know you're building something and they know.
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You know they want to respect that, but I think that then they don't know where they stand in priority and how much space you have.
00:13:55.692 --> 00:13:55.773
00:13:55.793 --> 00:13:57.443
I think that's the delicate balance.
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It's like they want to know that there are priorities, so that you'll take time off and you can go to breakfast or lunch with them, but maybe not so much that you're now having to sacrifice your stability and safety for it.
00:14:08.594 --> 00:14:10.022
Yeah, how long have you been?
00:14:10.042 --> 00:14:11.385
divorced Two years.
00:14:11.385 --> 00:14:13.692
Two years, yeah, tell us about that.
00:14:13.692 --> 00:14:16.649
Are you open to sharing your divorce story?
00:14:16.789 --> 00:14:29.686
Yeah, yeah, so I was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago and I think a lot of my journey through treatment really just exacerbated a lot of what was not working in my relationship.
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My ex-husband's not a horrible human.
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We just didn't have a lot of depth to our connection.
00:14:34.062 --> 00:14:42.427
And when I was exploring the depth of my soul through this whole experience going through treatment, a lot of my relationships fell off.
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You know, I learned that a lot of my friendships, even a lot of my work relationships, relationships just didn't have that depth and substance that I needed desperately and and you know, people can only meet you where they've met themselves.
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So, as much as I could invite my ex-husband to join me in the journey, while I was figuring out what that even meant, I mean, in the beginning of this whole awakening, right after my diagnosis, I had no language around what was happening to me.
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I just knew I was so incredibly unfulfilled and seeking and searching for happiness and joy and a reason to want to live genuinely.
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And that sounds so, you know, morbid.
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It does, but it's true because it's not even just about cancer.
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I feel like I probably would have woken up anyway, but it, but cancer forces you to look at it right away Like you just can't avoid it, um but it.
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And then you become so extra conscious of your energy.
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And where are you spending your energy?
00:15:39.105 --> 00:15:42.562
Where are you getting it from and really where is it getting depleted?
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And I learned more and more and more how much of my energy I was giving to my family, to my husband, to my relationships.
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But I didn't have any of that or I wasn't receiving that back.
00:15:53.283 --> 00:16:00.923
So you know, that whole year going through treatment really woke up, you know, woke me up to that.
00:16:00.943 --> 00:16:02.187
So did you end it with him.
00:16:02.187 --> 00:16:02.948
Was Was he.
00:16:02.948 --> 00:16:03.811
How did he take that?
00:16:04.331 --> 00:16:05.013
It was a shock.
00:16:05.013 --> 00:16:12.767
Yeah, I think it was a big shock and you know, I'd been asking for counseling for a couple of years and so I knew something wasn't right.
00:16:12.767 --> 00:16:14.811
But uh, it was really.
00:16:14.811 --> 00:16:23.467
I think that I think that we both thought that it was uh gonna, that was just short lived, that it was a phase, you know, and that I'd get over it or I'd get through it.
00:16:23.668 --> 00:16:31.904
And I was actually on a work trip, um, and I was in a hotel room and I remember just thinking I hadn't seen my ex-husband for two weeks.
00:16:31.904 --> 00:16:38.663
We'd been out of town, you know, switching places, and I thought I haven't even missed him and he hasn't missed me.
00:16:38.663 --> 00:16:54.840
We've hardly talked, and so it has nothing to do with me not loving him, it was just we weren't connected energetically anymore, and so I started the conversation before I went home, because I was afraid that I wouldn't have the conversation if I just went home and I would just keep doing what we had been doing.
00:16:54.899 --> 00:16:58.269
Get back into a routine and it would just comfort Cycle again.
00:16:58.269 --> 00:16:58.932
00:16:59.400 --> 00:17:00.726
And I just said this isn't right.
00:17:00.726 --> 00:17:02.562
And I asked him do you miss me?
00:17:02.562 --> 00:17:04.005
And I said that's not a loaded question.
00:17:04.005 --> 00:17:09.133
I know it sounds loaded, but it's not because I haven't missed you and not even because I'm not mad at you.
00:17:09.133 --> 00:17:10.315
You know, I'm not mad at you.
00:17:10.315 --> 00:17:12.969
I don't have any bad feelings towards you.
00:17:12.969 --> 00:17:16.200
I just this just doesn't feel right for me anymore.
00:17:16.380 --> 00:17:22.979
So do you think that after everything you've gone world a little differently and have a different perspective on things?
00:17:23.210 --> 00:17:26.901
For sure, I mean, I look at every relationship differently too, and I think of alignment.
00:17:26.901 --> 00:17:40.713
I go back to, you know, the beginning, parts of where I started to feel unfulfilled and I started to think about all the avoidant behaviors that I was doing and ways that I was just recklessly moving about life, just distracting myself from what I didn't want to see.
00:17:40.713 --> 00:17:57.191
I painted this perfect picture, and the problem was is that I had to be perfect to fit in it, right, and so I just didn't want any of that anymore, and now I just I really love the connections that I have, you know, like even when we connected just over, you know coffee one morning.
00:17:57.211 --> 00:18:01.801
Yeah, you just know when you connect with somebody, yeah, and so for me, that's it.
00:18:01.801 --> 00:18:08.192
My connections with people have nothing to do with how long I've known them or even how well it's like.
00:18:08.192 --> 00:18:11.917
It's alignment, it's connection, it's what are you doing and how can I support you?
00:18:11.917 --> 00:18:13.796
What am I doing and how can we work together?
00:18:13.796 --> 00:18:15.299
You know, that's the stuff.
00:18:15.299 --> 00:18:18.339
It's just shifted my life in every way around that.
00:18:18.339 --> 00:18:18.991
So are you?
00:18:19.031 --> 00:18:19.713
currently dating.
00:18:19.713 --> 00:18:21.750
I am Ooh, how do you find these guys?
00:18:21.750 --> 00:18:22.510
How do you find these guys?
00:18:22.510 --> 00:18:23.692
Because you said you're not on the apps.
00:18:23.692 --> 00:18:25.012
Right, I'm not on the apps.