Jan. 8, 2025
What do you do when you get stood up on a date? Watch it happen to us!
In today's episode, we delve into the turbulent waters of modern dating, sharing our personal encounters with being stood up, catfished, and ghosted. We explore the complexities of communication, honesty, and the importance of navigating these relationships with awareness and humor.
• Reflecting on the shock of being stood up
• Discussing the embarrassment and emotional toll of waiting
• The fears surrounding confrontation in dating
• Experiences of bailing on dates
• The struggle between honesty and avoidance
• Positive feedback from being transparent after dates
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Oh my god, I just totally got catfished.
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He looks absolutely nothing like his picture.
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So I found out, the guy that I've been dating is married with kids.
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His wife just reached out to me.
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Welcome to the meat market.
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The single scene is an absolute slaughterhouse and we are here to devour it.
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I'm your host, lindsay, and I'm Jess, and, as you can see, the chair is empty.
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Our guests bailed on us, they did not show up and they did not text us to let us know they would not be here.
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We've been stood up officially.
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So our topic for today let's get marinating is how do you feel about being stood up?
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So, how do you feel about being stood up?
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You know?
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I feel bad about it today, but honestly I don't date a lot, so I've never actually been stood up before.
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You've never been stood up, no, yeah because, no one stands this up.
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I feel like, though I feel like the reason is because I would feel so embarrassed if I like got to a restaurant or got to a bar, got wherever and sat there and waited for someone and they didn't show up.
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Like I would be so embarrassed, like it would be mortifying, like I would feel like so cringe, and so I'm very like it's why I don't do dinner dates, it's why I don't often do like even like drinks dates, like it's more just like an easy coffee, like let's just meet somewhere for 30 minutes, like I make it very easy, because I feel like it is like a fear of mine, yeah, to be stood up like how, how embarrassing.
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Like you see that like the tv shows, in the movies, where the guy's just like sitting there eating his steak, like all sad by himself because the woman doesn't show up.
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But I feel like it's more often than not, it's probably women that don't show up, right.
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You know, I will say I can't remember a time where someone stood me up when I'm actually there.
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I think I've had guys bail last minute, which does piss me off because I'm already hair and makeup done and they bail and it's like, oh, something better came along.
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But then I feel bad because I bailed all the time.
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I feel in my single days like I would bail last minute because I just wasn't feeling it, you know.
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And yeah, I was bad at accepting dates when I knew I wouldn't be interested in them because I'm kind of too nice of a person and then, when it came down to the actual date, I was like, oh, I really don't want to do this, so I would bail out.
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Yeah, no see, I'm the opposite.
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I will say no off the bat.
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Like I'm like no, thank you, because I don't want to have to do that.
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Like I don't want to have to do that, I'm just like no.
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I'm good.
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So I hate confrontation and this is.
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I hate this quality about myself.
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But, for example, you're really good after a date if you don't see it going somewhere.
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you're very honest, oh immediately and you say, hey, yes, just to let you know this isn't going to be romantic.
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Yeah, I do, I do.
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I don't always say it in person because sometimes it's hard and sometimes I know I'm going to hurt their feelings in person, and so a lot of times I'll wait until the next day, because sometimes you do want to think about it Like, you want to like sleep on it, you want to like reflect on the date, you want to give it sort of a chance to marinate in your mind, if you will.
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But I am always very upfront and honest.
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I have no issues sending a text or making that phone call the next day or two days later, saying, hey, I really enjoyed our time together, thank you so much, it was great to get to know you.
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But this isn't the connection that I'm looking for.
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I don't see this moving forward, at least for me.
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But again, like I appreciate, I appreciate your time and your effort.
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That's amazing and that's it.
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And I've had guys actually that's amazing and that's it.
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And I've had guys.
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Actually I've had a lot of positive feedback.
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I had a guy once text me back like almost a little bit too eagerly, I guess I would say, but like, oh my God, I appreciate you saying that so much Like I would rather hear that than be ghosted.
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Or then to spend the time, the investment time and money in four or five or six more dates to have you then tell me something that you knew after date one.
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See, I was that girl.
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I feel so bad, but I hate confrontation.
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So if I went on a date and I didn't see it going any further, I wouldn't tell him that.
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I would, just you know, every time he would ask me out on a second date, I would make an excuse oh, I'm busy that night, or I can't tell him that I would just you know, every time he would ask me out on a second date, I would make an excuse oh, I'm busy that night, or I can't, or I have a family function.
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And he would keep asking me out and I would keep bailing until he, you know, got the hint.
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Got the hint.
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But it's like I feel bad why didn't I just let him know Like I Great.
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Well, if you would like to be a guest on the meat market, go to our Instagram or our Facebook at Meat Market Podcast.
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Slide us a DM and you could be here, our next guest.
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Also, our standard is not to bail.
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So if you're wanting, to be a guest, you must show up for the date.
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See you next week at the meat market.
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